Tuesday, April 21, 2020

A funny video can help you stand out from the crowd. It could also be used to your advantage when you are applying for other jobs too. Funny Video As Your Resume Writing Tool

A funny video can help you stand out from the crowd. It could also be used to your advantage when you are applying for other jobs too. Funny Video As Your Resume Writing ToolAn interesting method to use for your resume is to make a funny video about yourself. It might be a funny job interview, a funny email, a funny and light hearted article, anything that you can think of that makes you stand out from the crowd.Do not feel pressured if you do not know how to make a joke that your resume will like. There are lots of resources online that could help you out. Search for examples or try doing some research in your local library.Also, if you are someone who is very artistic or can make things funny, you can make a funny video yourself. Just put up your screen or camera with your laptop or cell phone and create a video.When you upload your funny video on YouTube, it will only give you a few seconds, which is enough time to write something short about you and the job that you are applying for. You can also do this with your resume. Just use a little more space for your resume when you upload your video.This is how it works. Go to YouTube and upload your video. If you are not experienced or do not have any talent, you can use a place called 'Inspector Gadget' to upload your video and get feedback from people in your area.In this way, your resume will reflect your character and that you are well-trained and skilled. You will have an impact on the hiring manager and they will hire you. That is how it works, right?

Thursday, April 16, 2020

An Average Day for a Freelance Worker Looks Like This

An Average Day for a Freelance Worker Looks Like This A few months ago I read an interesting analogy in the book Talent is Overrated, by Geoff Colvin. The average runner, says the author, thinks about anything besides than the painful fact that he’s running. Elite runners, by contrast, focus on every detail of their run. They monitor their strides. They critique their gait. They time their breath. That’s how top performers in all arenas behave, Colvin said. High-performing executives watch themselves from overhead, as a trained observer would. I could certainly use a dose of that. As a self-employed gal, my success hinges on how well I can manage my time. That’s why I pay $70 a month for a membership to a co-working space (a shared office for freelancers). It helps me go to the office everyday at 9 a.m. sharp. Well, maybe sharp is an exaggeration. Let’s take a page from the high-performance playbook and observe how I structure my day. 8 a.m. â€" Hit snooze. 8:05 â€" Repeat. 8:52 â€" Frantically search for my car keys, muttering curse words under my breath. 8:54 â€" Get distracted from key search when I notice the cat is missing. Start searching for cat. 8:56 â€" Found her! She’s sleeping in an empty box that I was supposed to throw into the trash. Which reminds me: I’m supposed to put the trash on the curb today. 8:59 â€" Still can’t find car keys, but discover an old pair of sunglasses in the bottom of my junk drawer. Is this shape is still in style? Read More: Why Private Schools Are a Financial Ripoff 9:02 â€" Discover tweezers in the same junk drawer. Begin tweezing eyebrows. Try to create that Angelina Jolie arch. 9:05 â€" Notice I’ve over-tweezed eyebrows. Start filling the gap with eyeshadow. 9:07 â€" Realize I’m hungry. Wander into the kitchen for a cup of coffee. 9:09 â€" Boil a pot of water with eggs on stove. Hard-boiled eggs are healthy, right? 9:12 â€" Notice stack of mail on kitchen table. Start riffling through it. Netflix is here! Lets see what movie they shipped. Oh, it’s The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3. Hmm, that’s funny. I thought Cars 2 was the next movie in my queue? 9:14 â€" Log into Netflix to check movie queue. When is Cars 2 arriving? 9:17 â€" Notice headlines in the top bar of my Internet browser. Looks like there’s a wildfire in Colorado. 9:18 â€" Look at photos of a Colorado wildfire. 9:22 â€" Notice that the same news website has a photo gallery of the London Olympic setup. Click on pictures. 9:24 â€" Smell something funky coming from kitchen. Oh no, the eggs are burning! 9:25 â€" Hear the screeching sound of kitchen smoke detector. Ugh, that thing is way too sensitive. 9:26 â€" Stand on chair and try to turn off smoke detector. Can’t reach. 9:27 â€" Open windows to air out the room. Remember that one window is sealed shut from layers of paint. Need to call a handyman to fix that. 9:29 â€" Start Googling handymen in Atlanta. Read More: 5 Things Everyone Should Know About Corporate Finance 9:42 â€" Finish emailing three handyman companies. Turn attention back to photo gallery of London Olympics. 9:54 â€" Notice clock. Oops, it’s almost 10 a.m. Guess I better go to the office. 9:56 â€" Realize I still haven’t found car keys. Resume search. 10:02 â€" Found them! They were in my purse the whole time! 10:08 â€" Get into my car. Turn the key in the ignition. 10:09 â€" Realize I forgot to put trash on the curb. Get out of car. 10:12 â€" Put trash on curb. Get back in car. 10:16 â€" Still hungry. Didn’t get a chance to eat, after I burned those eggs. Swing by grocery store on the way to the office. 10:22 â€" You’ve got to be kidding me: $4 for a prepackaged breakfast burrito? Stroll the store for better deals. Read More: How Much Can I Afford to Borrow for a New Home? 10:30 â€" Start feeling anxious about the fact that I haven’t gone into work yet. 10:35 â€" Call boyfriend to complain about feeling anxious. 10:46 â€" Arrive at the office! I’m here! There you have it: a day in the life of an aspiring high performer. Emphasis, of course, on the aspiring. Looks like I have a long way to go. But don’t worry. If this self-employment thing doesn’t work out, I can always take up running. Like this article? Read more about my zig-zag road to success at Afford Anything!

Saturday, April 11, 2020

3 Tips to Finding Happiness When You Have Career ADD - Work It Daily

3 Tips to Finding Happiness When You Have Career ADD - Work It Daily Distractions of any kind can derail us... right? Couple those distractions with a diagnosis of Career ADD or living a Career ADD Lifestyle that is leading you down the wrong path. How many of us are switching activities multiple times throughout the day, and at the end of the day very little is truly accomplished? Now imagine that the same distractors are impacting your work every day. Worse yet, imagine that you are struggling with making a career decision that won’t take you down the same path of unhappiness and failure. Are you stuck? Does your mind come to a screeching halt when considering job or career options, or does it move on to the next often negative thought and subsequent action that gets you nowhere? No, you are not crazy... life does sometimes get in the way. On the other hand, if you are seeing a pattern here â€" one that has continued for perhaps years, it is time to take another look at what may be the root cause and some tips to help move you toward Career Happiness! Here are three tips to help you get started: 1. Take an HONEST look at your work life. I’m talking about from your very first job, no matter what it was. Ask yourself this â€" How did it make me feel every day? Did I make little mistakes and could not figure out why I made them? Was I called on the carpet more times than I’d like to admit? Do I now lack self-confidence in my ability to secure work that makes me happy? Taking an inventory of our work lives is the first step to seeing a pattern in the way we have approached our careers. If you have Career ADD, it doesn’t matter if you studied for years for the job you now have, or for the one that you are now seeking, if issues of ADD or a Career ADD Lifestyle are part of your current make-up, the patterns will continue. 2. Get a diagnosis or take an inventory for ADD. My best friend sent me the book Driven to Distraction by Edward Hallowell, which I ignored for two years. Finally, after my divorce, I knew I had to take another look and, magically, was able to locate it on my bookshelf as if some force were directing me. There are dozens of books out there, but this was the one that made all the difference and helped me to truly recognize what was going on. What a relief! And after I went through a brief grieving process, started to notice more what I was doing, how I was reacting and then sought tools to help me. 3. Get support now! This can either come in the form of an ADD coach, or with a career professional who understands the many challenges we face in our career and in our lives, and can help guide you to make choices that can be life changing. At the very least, find a trusted friend who accepts you and will be honest with you. Ask them to keep you accountable to manage your symptoms for success. So, here are just a few of the “symptoms” of ADD that have impacted you in the career realm: easily distractible, low tolerance for frustration, low tolerance for boredom, impulsiveness, forgetfulness, restlessness... and the list goes on. Career happiness image from Shutterstock Have you joined our career growth club?Join Us Today!